Saturday Profiles: Meet Jane Bouchard

Continuing our new, very popular series, where you get a chance to meet and learn something about our neighbors.


Name: Jane Bouchard

Where do you live?


Full time? Part time? Seasonal?

Full Time

When did you move here or discover this part of paradise?

My parents owned a camp in North Hudson that they purchased in the 70's, I moved here permantly around 20 years ago.

Where did you grow up?

Long Island, NY

How do you -- or did you -- make a living?

Library Manager in Schroon

How do you spend your free time?

Reading, Horseback Riding, Gardening, Walking

Coffee, Tea, or…?

 All of the above

What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday?

Sunny, mid 70's, no humidity, no bugs in the morning so that I can ride horses, afternoon big snowstorm so I can hunker down and read and make soup, evening roads are clear so I can go see a show at Proctors or another theater.

What’s your favorite local restaurant?

Hmmmmm, I guess I'd have to say Witherbee’s. Like the atmosphere and the upstairs menu.

Favorite season(s) and why?

Fall, no bugs, less people, I can breathe.

What’s on your nightstand?

Reading glasses and a clock.

What are you listening to?

Sirius Radio

What are your current addictions?

I don't think I have any.

Who/what makes you laugh?

The I Love Lucy Show, Donald Trump

Talent you would most like to have?

Ability to play more instruments without practicing.

What’s the best kept secret about Schroon Lake and or surrounding areas?

The quiet of winter.

What do you hope they say about you at your funeral?

Something good.