To Shroon Or Skroon?
That is the question – well at least it was for blogger Destiny Malone in her post on about what’s the correct way to pronounce the name of our fine town. And while everyone we know says it correctly, we must admit we’ve done our fair share of setting newbies straight over the years.
To get the official ruling Malone sought out the advice of someone who must pronounce the word every time she answers the telephone: Schroon Lake Bed and Breakfast owner Sharon Piper.
"Regarding the correct way to say our town, it is SKroon (like school)," said Piper. "Many people say Shroon (like mushroom) but that is not it, and we snicker behind our hands when people do that.
Did you ever *mispronounce our fair town? Do you correct others? Tell us about your experience in comments. (Corrected thanks to Mark Mandell!)
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